
On this day, 24 April 1982: Eagle

On this day, 24 April 1982: Eagle

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There was a shared mood to the front and back covers of this week’s Eagle.

Sgt. Streetwise was, I guess, my generation’s PC49. Unably assisted by the hapless PC Botham, DS Wise used his undercover smarts to nab crooks.

Gerry Finley-Day was the writer, and this episode was photographed by Dave Watts. The lead actor, according to John Porter on Twitter, was Bill Malin, who also appeared on telly in Eastenders, Lifeforce, ‘Allo ‘Allo and (as a Cyberman) Doctor Who.

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On this day, 25 April 1981: Tiger and Speed

On this day, 25 April 1981: Tiger and Speed

On this day, 23 April 1977: Jinty

On this day, 23 April 1977: Jinty