
Story File: Jimmy's Jumping Beans

Story File: Jimmy's Jumping Beans

Jimmy’s Jumping Beans was a single-page fun strip in Buster in which young Jimmy Judge was befriended by a small squadron of talking beans – dry kidney beans or butter beans, or so they appear – who decided to lend Jimmy the benefit of their astonishing strength and gravity-defying ability to jump high in the air in return for his rescuing them from the supermarket shelf. To be honest, it’s a fairly limited strip – the beans lack the character or humour of say, Andy’s Ants from Cor!!, or Jiffy and the Glyphs from DC Thomson’s The Topper – and it lasted only five months. In his Fleetway Index, Steve Holland names the artist as Trevor Metcalfe – it’s a little different from what I know of Trevor’s later work, so I’d be interested to know if anyone can confirm this.

On this day, 19 January 1980: Jackpot

On this day, 19 January 1980: Jackpot

Story File: The Team that Went to War

Story File: The Team that Went to War